Die JUG Berlin-Brandenburg und die Hypoport AG laden euch herzlich am 10.11.2011 von 19 bis ca. 22 Uhr zu unserer Veranstaltung „WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH LEGACY CODE“ mit Brett Schuchert einladen. Brett ist ein ObjectMentor, ebenso wie dies Uncle Bob (Clean Code) ist.

Zum Inhalt: Michael Feathers (ebenfalls ein ObjectMentor) defines legacy code as code lacking automated checks. You cannot simply change it without risking breaking something. If the code were not yet deployed, that might not be too painful but since we are talking about legacy code, it’s probably already deployed so we have to tread carefully.

In the time we have available, we’ll take a look at some of the things that make working with legacy code difficult and then change the code to improve our chances of making behavior-maintaining changes while getting missing tests into place.

Warning: This is a coding-heavy demonstration, so come prepared to look at and discuss code as there won’t be many (any?) slides.

Brett Schuchert – Senior Trainer, Mentor, Consultant and Speaker

Brett has over 18 years of experience with object technology. He has worked extensively in developing software, training, mentoring, and consulting using Java, C++, C# and Smalltalk as well as software process and requirements analysis both locally and internationally.

Veranstaltungsort: Hypoport AG Klosterstraße 71 10179 Berlin Deutschland