
3 posts

An AngularJS Test Pyramid

As a team with a strong taste for automated testing we focused from the beginning on how to test our Angular app. In this post we want to describe our different types of tests and how they form a Test Pyramid. Level 4: Selenium Tests. Level 3: E2E (Scenario) Tests. Level 2: Directive Tests. Level 1: Unit Tests. For each kind of test, we will explain the following aspects: Purpose: What’s the idea behind this type of tests.

  • andihypo

Introduction to an Angular Scenario DSL for Remote Node Backend Configuration

This post was written by Andreas Marek (@andimarek) and Daniel Bechler (@SQiShER). In this article we’d like to introduce you to a library called node-config-ngscenario-dsl, which is our solution for advanced E2E testing with AngularJS and Node. This article may be interesting for you, if you are looking for a way to configure your Node backend right from your E2E tests. We are currently developing our first project with AngularJS. It’s a new module in a larger application and consists of an AngularJS frontend and a Java backend.

  • andihypo